Create a static website with Amazon S3

In this tutorial, we will build and host a static webpage on Amazon S3.

Understanding the Basics

What is Amazon S3?

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a cloud-based object storage service from Amazon Web Services (AWS). It's designed to store and retrieve virtually unlimited amounts of data from anywhere on the web. Think of it as a super-powered online hard drive for your files.

For more information on S3, check out the video below:

What is a static site?

Static websites are built entirely with HTML, CSS, and maybe some client-side JavaScript. They don't rely on a server to generate content on the fly, making them simple, fast, and often more affordable to host. For more information, see Hosting a static website using Amazon S3.

Set Up Your AWS S3 Static Website

Create an AWS Account and S3 bucket

  • Sign up for AWS Free Tier: Go to the AWS free tier page and sign up for an account.
  • Create an S3 Bucket: Open the AWS S3 console and create a new bucket. Give it a unique name.

    Enable Static Website Hosting

  • Once your bucket is created, navigate to the Properties tab.
  • Next, navigate to Static website hosting and click Edit.
  • Under Static website hosting, select Enable.
  • Set the index document to index.html.
  • Make Your Bucket Public

  • Click the Permissions tab within your bucket's settings.
  • Scroll down to find the section titled Block public access (bucket settings).
  • Click the Edit button next to the Block Public Access settings.
  • Locate the checkbox labeled Block all public access and uncheck it.
  • Click Save Changes to apply the modifications.
  • Type confirm into the provided field to verify that you understand the security implications and intentionally wish to make the bucket public. Important: By enabling public access, anyone on the internet will be able to see the files in your bucket. Make sure you only store content intended for public viewing.
  • Click Save Changes once more to finalize the process.
  • Apply a Bucket Policy (For Public Read Access)

  • A bucket policy defines the access permissions for your S3 bucket. In this case, we create a policy to allow public read access for making your website accessible.
  • In the S3 console, go to your bucket's Permissions tab.
  • Click on the Bucket Policy section.
  • Paste the following JSON code into the Bucket policy editor, replacing your-bucket-name with your actual bucket name:
                  "Version": "2012-10-17", 
                  "Statement": [ 
                      "Sid": "PublicReadForGetBucketObjects", 
                      "Effect": "Allow", 
                      "Principal": "*", 
                      "Action": "s3:GetObject", 
                      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name/*" 

    Bucket Policy Explanation

  • This policy is designed to grant public read access to all objects within a specific S3 bucket. This is generally used when hosting static websites on S3.
  • Here are the key elements of the policy:
  • Apply Bucket Policy

  • Click Save to apply the bucket policy.
  • Upload and Access Your Website

  • Upload your HTML files and any other assets (images, videos, diagrams) to the S3 bucket.
  • Access your website using the endpoint provided by Amazon S3. It will look something like
  • Additional Notes

  • You can use any text editor to create your HTML files.
  • You can upload images, videos, and other assets to your S3 bucket.
  • Once you are done with your website, you can delete the S3 bucket to remove it from the internet.